Phindulo Mulaudzi

a little about me...

I hold a professional degree in Electrical and Information Engineering and an Honours degree in Computer Science, both obtained from Wits University. My diverse skill set in the sciences allows me to approach problems from multiple perspectives and enhances my problem-solving abilities. I am particularly interested in Machine Learning and Software Development and cant wait to see what the future holds for these two fields. I am always eager to learn and believe this is my biggest strength.

nice to meet you.


Parallel, Concurrent, and Distributed Programming in Java (Coursera), May 2020
Java Socket Programming Simplified (Udemy), May 2020
Object Oriented Data Structures in C++ (Coursera), March 2020
Software Engineering Bootcamp (Hyperion Development), April 2020
Responsive Web Design (Free Code Camp), September 2019
Bsc in Electrical Engineering (University of the Witwatersrand), December 2015


    • C++
    • Java
    • Python
    • Machine Learning
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • SQL

some of my work...

Designed and developed in visual studio using C#. This is a windows desktop application developed to assist technical personnel to visualise the availability of telecommunications high sites.

  • C#
  • SQLite
High Site Availability Monitor Screenshot

High Site Visualisation Dashboard

This is a replica of Battle City for NES (1985) developed in C++ using the SFML library. The game's development emphasises the importance of OOP in software development while making it fun at the same time.

  • C++
  • SFML
Battle City Screenshot

Battle City for NES(1985) Replica

This is a console application designed for a mock up project engineering company. This application handles all the company's project process from inception to hand over. The application is developed in Java and uses SQL to store project information.

  • Java
  • SQL
Poised Engineering Screenshot

Project Management System

Developing unit tests for all software that i have developed and generating API documentation in HTML format using Javadoc/Doxygen. The HTML format adds the convenience of being able to hyperlink related documents together.

  • Javadoc
  • Doxygen
  • C++
  • Java
Unit Testing Screenshot

Unit Testing and Documentation

Performed analysis of birth rate and life expectancy on a set of countries in order to illustrate the concept of supervised machine learning. KMeans clustering and Linear Regression are implemented from scratch.

  • Python
  • KMeans Clustering
  • Linear Regression
  • scikit-learn
Machine learning screenshot

Supervised Machine Learning

This is a survey form created using pure HTML and CSS. This is done to illustrate fundamental HTML capability supplemented by CSS for UX.

  • HTML
  • CSS
Naruto Survey Screenshot

Web Survey Form

This is a simple desktop chat application developed in java that allows users on the same network to send messages to each other. This is done to demonstrate how socket programming is implememnted in java.

  • Java
  • TCP/IP
Naruto Survey Screenshot

Desktop Chat Application

This is an android based application that is aimed at developping a type of queuing system at local barber shops. This will help reinforce social distancing and will also let potential customers know when the barber is free.

  • Java
  • Firebasefirestore

My Barber

A simple journal type application that allows the user to record moments of impact or jot down thoughts on the go. Using firebasefirestore allows for the app to have sophisticated authentication, analytics and access to a storage database.

  • Java
  • Firebasefirestore


A simple quiz application that makes use of the volley api to load remote question for a trivia type application.

  • Java
  • JSON
  • Volley


get in touch...